Archive for September, 2010

Fürchtet euch nicht


America, the Greatest Country God ever gave Man, was built on three bedrock principles: Freedom. Liberty. And Fear — that someone might take our Freedom and Liberty. But now, there are dark, optimistic forces trying to take away our Fear — forces with salt and pepper hair and way more Emmys than they need. They want to replace our Fear with reason. But never forget — “Reason” is just one letter away from “Treason.” Coincidence? Reasonable people would say it is, but America can’t afford to take that chance.

Steven Colbert ruft auf zum entschlossenen Einsatz gegen Vernunft und für Furcht. Denn wie wir in der Serie “The Power of Nightmares – The Rise of Politics of Fear” von Alex Curtis sehen und in Naomi Klein’s Buch “Die Schock-Strategie” lesen können, sind verängstigte Massen leichter zu manipulieren als Menschen ohne Furcht.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
March to Keep Fear Alive Announcement
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep Fear Alive

Für diejenigen, die derart sarkastische Ironie nicht vertragen, bewirbt Kollege Jon Stewart “seine” Veranstaltung noch im Namen der Vernunft auf So ein Zufall: Beiden Veranstaltungen ist Ort und Zeit gemein.

Rally to Sanity

Verdrehte Wahrheit

America of Bank (monochrom)

von monochrome


Die YES LABS fördern subversive Projekte:

… it’s high time for us to get systematic about helping activist groups highlight life-or-death issues—with or without the Yes Men’s participation. That’s what the Yes Lab is all about.

Sie stehen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, und bauen eine professionelle Struktur auf, die für einen beständigen Fluss subversiver Projekte sorgen soll:

… we’ll need proper staffing, because these sorts of projects take a whole lot of work. More specifically, we’ll need:

  • A main organizer, who will go after projects, work with organizations to figure out how projects can fit into their ongoing campaigns, and help follow projects through to completion.
  • An administrator who will also serve as primary fundraiser and manager.
  • An online guru who will develop our extensive list and put it at the service of projects.
  • Possibly, extra space beyond our teeny-tiny Manhattan office.

Dafür sammeln sie erst mal Geld: “$50,000 will enable us to do that for an initial period of six months, from September 2010 to March 2011.”

Also, her mit Geld und Ideen!

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