Aus dem aktuellen adbusters (n. 69 – Jan. – Feb. 06) stammt dieser Artickel zum thema “De-Branding-Branding”. Alles natuerlich ohne URLs zum nachschlagen…

The same companies that had been terrorized by jammed ads in the 1990s have smartened up and are now starting to use jammers’ own momentum against them in a game of marketing jiu-jitsu. Take the example of the Coke Zero ad outside Berlin’s University of the Arts: when fly-by-night jammers cut out the coke bottle from the ad (a la Zeus – Visual Kidnapping of the Lavazza model – 2002), the soft drink giant fought back. Company spokeswoman Claudia Fasse claimed in Der Spiegel that the cut-out bottle proved that Coke Zero was “so popular with students that they’ll even go out and steal it.” And at the end of the day, the joke was on the jammers.

Apple Computers took the joke even further when jammers cut out the models and computers from their ads. They offered the missing models on their website as downloadable images, and launched a contest for people to photograph the models in their original settings. Far from detourning ads, the jammers unwittingly added momentum to the company campaign.

To be effective, adbusting must evolve. Half-hearted shots don’t work anymore. If you can’t subvert the offending and in a meaningful way, it may just better just to obliterate the whole thing under a coat of fresh paint.

…und jetzt ein Paar Links:

Zeus: Patricia Dorfmann, Greenpeace Magazin, Blakkbyrd

Der Spiegel:,1518,431043,00.html

Coke Zero und mehr ueber Visual Kidnapping: Werbeblogger, Morgenpost




3 Responses to “Battle of Berlin: anti-ad activists and the companies who co-opt them”

  1. […] 1. Zevs ist dabei. Ja, der super-debrander-marken-werbung-corporation-hasser, der erfinder von Visual Kidnapping!!! In diesem Fall kopiert er ausserdem eine neue street art technik, die aus San Paolo stammt (Orion): Waende hier und da putzen, anstatt sie zu “versauen”. […]

  2. on 13 Mar 2007 at 6:24 pm faebu

    Ich hab mich gefragt, ob jemand noch weitere Beispiele kennt von Companies welche, die visuelle Sprache der Culture Jammers zu ihren Zwecken missbrauchen, sei es, dass sie ihren subversiv veränderten Plakaten wiederum eine positive Botschaft auferlegen (wie hier bei Coke zero) oder, dass sie gleich selber ihre kommerzielle Werbung nach dem Style der Culture Jammers (Marc Ecko zielt ja in diese Richtung) gestalten um so bei den jungen Leuten zu punkten.

    Ich bin am Schreiben meiner Diplomarbeit und wäre für jegliche Hilfe und Imputs echt dankbar!

  3. on 01 Aug 2008 at 11:51 am picture frames directory

    picture frames directory…

    […] Self Portrait: Renaissance to Contemporary, at every point it is the female artists who stand out. Of the 56 diverse paintings here, a quarter are by women – a surprisingly large percentage for a show covering such a time frame. The […]…

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